Sleeping Postures

Sleeping Postures
Human Brain is the main controller of the whole body which controls and passes signals to all the organs,while we are asleep brain still does its work,though its not fully active,but some nerves work based according to our day to day activity.
One can observe that when in relaxed mood all the organs are in relaxed state,while in nervousness the muscles contract and get stiff,based upon this theory the sleeping postures of the human beings are explained.Below mentioned are the few Sleeping postures which define your state of mind.

Above seen are a few sleeping postures through which the behaviors,thinking and mentalities can be explained.For details click on the your kind of sleeping posture.

Based upon the postures scientists have named six main postures they are Foetus,Log,Yearner,Soldier,Freefaller,Starfish.

Which among these,is yours

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